Solidarity: How YOU Can Help

We hope this site has served as an informational source about consumers, consumer rights, and consumer struggles in Nicaragua, and as an inspirational source to get involved and support us! There are more than a few ways you can offer ACODEMA and Nicaraguan consumers your solidarity and support:

  • Spread the word! Tell your friends about our website!

  • Write an article about us! The more people know about us, the more likely they are to get involved, offer their solidarity and support! Have questions? If you speak Spanish, e-mail us directly at If you don´t, e-mail our U.S. contact at

  • Come to Masaya and volunteer for us! Volunteers must speak at least basic Spanish. If you´re interested in coming to Nicaragua to volunteer for ACODEMA, please e-mail ACODEMA´s director, Rogér Lacayo, at with a brief letter of interest and your resumé (in Spanish!)

  • Include us in your network of consumer rights organizations and activists!

  • Click on the links at the bottom of the page to learn more about consumer rights and obstacles in Nicaragua!

  • Contribute!