The strength of consumers radiates from the fact that we are all consumers: the entire population performs acts of consumption every day. Therefore, the market depends on the decisions we each make when we buy something. But in order to be able to exercise our strength as consumers, we need to be organized and well acquainted with our Rights and the procedures we must follow to defend them. For this reason, ACODEMA´s slogan has been since the beginning:
Only with unity and organization can we successfully defend our consumer rights!
ACODEMA, in conjunction with the Association of Alternatives, is attempting to raise awareness about the Rights of consumers among the Nicaraguan population, and to find International solidarity and support through our English-language website.
We are attempting to transmit the importance of being organized in order to exert pressure on major enterprises, corporations and the State, in order to not only ensure that existing laws for consumer defense are applied, but also to strengthen and improve them.
On this page, you can look for specific information about ACODEMA, the rights of Nicaraguan consumers, explanations of Law 182: the Nicaraguan Law of Consumer defense, as well as information about how to make a claim against an enterprise that has violated a right(s) of the consumer by clicking on the links under the title ¨Content¨ on the right side of this page.
In addition, at the bottom of the page, there are links to websites where you can find more information about ACODEMA, consumer rights (and their violation) in
Overall, we hope that this website serves as a source of information about the Nicaraguan Law of Consumers, and as a vehicle to raise consciousness among the population of the great power that we have as consumers… all we need to do is use it!
Original Manual Design: Xavi Valls Olivé
Web Page Design: Virginia Rubey
Content: Neus Andreu
Don Edicto y la Ley de Defensa del Consumidor, Edited by el Bufete Popular Boris Vega.
Derechos de las y los consumidores, published by el Centro Nicaraguense de Derechos Humanos.
This material can be reproduced entirely or parcially, on the condition that your objective is the maximum divulgation of its content, always and only when you cite the source.